Profiles of Cabinet Systems Architect, system specially designed and are manufactured specially to showcase the system again.
All profiles and accessories used in the Showcase System Architect is the professional qualifications.
The architect Showcases Anodizing (natural) color is used.
Showcase System Architect is used as the top strap, bottom box (rail) profile (threshold) is required.
Top system architect glass load pin in the glass as well as the adhesive base to make it more robust and spring are used.
Used in the Pool View Showcase System Architect (left and right of way) are sold ready to use.
Search Architect Showcases Covers are aluminum, chrome or powder coated color coating applied.
There are locks on sliding cover Aluminium Showcases specific to architects.
Architect Showcase System, performs the act through a single vertical bearings.
The architect Showcase System application, glass wings Box requires no assistance through the road wheels in the profile without being driven directly to the pool. Collected in the pond.
Showcases the architect, 25 mm top and bottom of the base. Using the Bristle Brush insulation is provided.
The architect Showcases, glass wings 10 mm. Transparent Glass Balcony roving is used.
Showcases the architect, designed specifically for glass doors Hinge Door pump, upper hinge, lower hinge is available as accessories.
Accordion Showcase System
Only through vertical double ball bearing wheels butterfly systems using Profile and Accessories Showcase System offers accordion work of architects.
Systems, the nature of the accordion folding wheel is opened at the desired location.
The Accordion Online Pool View used.
Cafe, restaurant, bar, patisserie, display systems to complement environments such as restaurants and create a decent environment has become widespread in a short time.
Showcase System, shopping centers, hotels, shops, bakeries and a modern system designed for winter gardens. Top carrier acts hang on construction and aluminum rails. Crest constraints, and eliminating the unwanted loss of image area. Offers spacious and modern environments.
Wind, rain, snow, dust, etc. provides protection from external influences in adverse weather conditions.
Fully opening the opportunity to give thanks where it is desirable offers bright and spacious environment for the display and use. Thanks to the sliding sash provides integrity between internal and external spaces completely. Through 10 mm tempered glass is being used for this system provides a complete security. Also glass to the desired pattern, background image or logo printing can be applied. Paint of the aluminum used in the system is electrostatic powder coating, deformation resistant and long lasting.